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Makar Gin

Classic Gin Gimlet

A serious, naval-themed classic

The origins of the Gimlet name are, like many cocktail name derivations, contested. One theory focuses on the British Navy who gave every sailor a ration of lemon or lime juice to help prevent scurvy, the condition caused by a lack of vitamin C. Sailors drank so much of the stuff that they became known as 'Limeys' and when, in 1867, one Lauchlin Rose patented the preservation of lime juice with sugar (and thus launched 'Rose's Lime Cordial') sailors had an easy, palatable supply to mix with their favoured spirit, Rum (this evolved into the modern day daiquiri). The officers on British Navy ships would drink gin and would mix 50/50 Rose's Lime Cordial with their supply to create the Gimlet. Fortunately, the modern palate now favours less sweet, more dry flavours and thus we have adapted the recipe to pair perfectly with our Makar Original Dry Gin .


75ml Makar Original Dry Gin
15ml Lime Juice
15ml Sugar Syrup
One Fresh Lime Wheel for Garnish


Coupe Glass







Classic Gin GimletCreate Your Own
Makar Gin Gimlet

How we make it

Add all ingredients to cocktail shaker


Fill shaker with cubed ice and shake well until contents are ice cold


Strain into a chilled coupe glass


Garnish with a wheel of fresh lime placed on the rim of the glass

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Makar Original Dry Gin
Gin• ABV43%
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